arToxin Gallery Donhärl & Düren, Munich

Fluxvektor 4, 260 x 250 x 250 cm, metal construction, LED technology

Display detail: Circular evolution of colored items 4,

81 drawing pen designs, ink on paper, 164 x 326 cm, 2019

Display Circular evolution of colored items 4, 81 Drawing pen designs, ink on paper, 164 x 326 cm, 2019

Siam 20, polished marble and steel, 60 x 30 x 15 cm, 2019

Square 72, marble and steel, 21 x 21 x 12 cm, 2011

Thin ground section 17, marble, acryl glass, 28 x 22 cm, 2019

The source, light box with 4 displays and 3 stone elements, LED technology, 81.5 x 151 cm, 2019

The series "Circular Evolution of Colored Items" asserts the temporal circularity of the evolving processes. Themes and formal motifs have left their traces in past series of works and may reappear in surprising ways. Photographs of landscapes, urban architecture and social milieus, symbols from the living world and their graphic fragments are collected and archived over periods of time. In continuous transformations, these images condense into plane, pictorial aggregations.